------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright Active Research Limited 2008-10 -- -- -- -- Release notes for the -- -- EBL Reader utility -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Changes from v1.040 to v1.060 -- ------------------------------------------------------------- * BST & NMEA 2000 message types: - Added many more message and field decodes. Can now show many more different types of data. * NMEA 2000 message types: - Improved accuracy of decoded floating point numbers that have alternative units shown. For example, all NMEA 2000 angles are shown in radians, but for convienience EBL Reader also showns them as degrees. ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Changes from v1.000 to v1.040 -- ------------------------------------------------------------- * ALL message types: - A complete overhaul of the code to better display the NMEA information. Added another panel / view to show the new intelligent breakdown of the selected NMEA message into its individual parameters. This new feature helps the user understand the NMEA data flowing around their vessel and can make anyone into an NMEA Master.